Public-private production project

(see 183, 182, 176, 160 and 152 on publication list)

Public Versus Private Production and Economies of Scale

Tables and figures
With Henrik Christoffersen, AKF, Copenhagen
& Allan Würtz, Department of Economics , Aarhus
Public Choice 130, 311-328. 2007.

Privatization in Denmark, 1980-2002
With Henrik Christoffersen, AKF, Copenhagen
Chapter 4 117-140 in
Marko Köthenburger, Hans-Werner Sinn, and John Whalley eds.,
Privatisation Experiences in the EU. MIT Press, Boston. 2006.

The political economy of regulation gambling. Illustrated with the Danish case
Chapter 7, 180-208 in
M. Viren, ed., Gaming in the new market environment Palgrave, Macmillan. 2008.

The welfare state and Baumol's law
p.t. background paper. Documents and extends calculations in
Grænserne mellem de offentlige og private sektor - vil kommunalreformen rykke dem?
Samfundsøkonomen december 2006, 16-19 (2007)

Danmarks udvikling i de næste 50 år
Kapitel p 219-64 i Ole Høiris, red., Fremtidens verden
Arhus Universitetsforlag. Århus 2013

Rents in a welfare state
Cpt. 19 pp 328-49 in Congleton, R.D., Hillman A.L., eds., 2015.
Companion to the Political Economy of Rent Seeking
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA

The public choice of university organization:
A stylized story with some explanation

Constitutional Political Economy. 26(2), 137-58
DOI 10.1007/s10602-014-9177-8

Data appendix to
The public choice of universiy organization

J.O. Krag, et essay
Kapitel 8 i Hansen, J., Kærgård, N., Thomsen, J.S., red.
Med hånden på statskassen. Økonomer i regering.
DJØFs forlag, 2019