Publication List, not including newspaper articles and similar

List appears with most recent publications first.


With/against Svend Hylleberg
Discussion of an Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between
Inflation and Economic Growth in 12 Countries, 1950 to 1969

The Swedish (now Scandinavian) Journal of Economics 78, 111-14. 1976


Nigeria efter 5 års fred
Økonomi & Politik 49, 26-65. 1975


An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between
Inflation and Economic Growth in 12 Countries, 1950 to 1969

The Swedish (now Scandinavian) Journal of Economics 75, 420-27. 1973
(See also 12)


With Jørgen Hansen
SMEC. En kvartalsmodel af den danske økonomi
Kbh. Univ. Økonomiske Institut og Det Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat: Kbh. 1973


Med/mod Kærgård, N., Pedersen, P.J.,
Diskussion af udenrigshandelen som konjunkturindikator
Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 110, 235-50. 1972


Det danske boligmarkeds mange dele
Kapitel 6 pp 57-65 i Boligbyggeriet i samfundsmæssig belysning
DIF & DJØF's forlag, Kbh. 1971


Kapitel 1 pp 17-24 i Boligbyggeriet i samfundsmæssig belysning
DIF & DJØF's forlag, Kbh. 1971


Udenrigshandelen som konjunkturindikator
Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 108, 46-64. 1970
Bemærk rettelse et år efter og 8


What is known about the housing demand?
The Swedish (now Scandinavian) Journal of Economics 72, 130-48. 1970
Først memo fra Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut


With Winkel, P., Tygstrup, N.,
A Numerical Taxonomic Analysis of Symptoms
and Signs in 400 Patients with Cirrhosis of the Liver

Computers and Biomedical Research 3, 657-65. 1970